Be on one accord with the One above

But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy. Acts 20:24

A goal in life for each of us should be “Finishing with Joy”. We are encouraged this morning, “Instead of focusing on the ups and downs of the journey, we should be looking ahead to the finish line. We want to be people who finish well.” Let us not lose our focus with difficulty arises or become distracted by the unknown. Let’s stay forward, focused, and following in faith knowing the best is yet to come ahead of us.

Reflection from Let’s Read the Bible Together (Proverbs 7, Romans 13, 14, and Psalms 24)

Let us not be concerned of the thoughts of (wo)man, for only our Father can bring judgment against us. Do what is of Him and what is right with your soul.

Revelation 4:11

May we give our all and all to the Father who is most worthy.🙏🏽💚🦋🌈

Be on one accord with the One above, my friend

Laura Colson