Let’s continue to choose to live a life that’s focused on Christ

“Our mouths were filled with laughter. Psalm 126:2

This morning’s message is called “Choosing Wisely”, and it focuses on our choice of reactions when unexpected things in life happen. The writer says, “The Bible says that Sarah laughed at the most unexpected, traumatic time of her life—when God announced that she would have a baby at the age of ninety (Genesis 18:12). At this unforeseen turn of events, she could either laugh, cry, or run away screaming. She chose to laugh.”Even in situations where we want to cry or even blow up, lets us work to choose to see the situation in another light, for it is only a moment and not monuments; it too shall pass.

Reflection from Let’s Read the Bible Together (Genesis 40, Genesis 41, and Genesis 42)

We must remember that trials will come in life, but they are only temporary and tests of our faith. God will always see us through, with lessons learned and greater strength and knowledge in return.

Matthew 18:12

Every life matters to Christ.🙏🏽💚🦋🌈

Let continue to choose to live a life that’s focused on Christ, my friend.

Laura Colson