My Big E.G.O. Life

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Obedience is our best option in life

Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Deuteronomy 11:18

Let us remain “Planted Deep” in the word of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Today’s message says, “Learning key verses plants the Word of God deeply in our hearts…. In our everyday moments, repeating well-known verses reminds us that God is always with us-whether it feels like it or not.” We don’t have to memorize the bible, but let us know in our hearts and minds a few verses to recite and remind us of what He’s done and will continue to do for us.

Reflection from Let’s Read the Bible Together (Proverbs 17, Numbers 17 & 18)

”A friend is there to help, in any situation, and relatives are born to share our troubles”(‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭17‬:‭17‬ ‭CEV‬‬). Let us never take for granted family and friends on whom we can depend.

Hebrews 5:7

As with Christ, let us work to be reverent and submissive.

Obedience is our best option in life, my friend.